Create a new SSL certificate and replace the old one.
- Stop Nginx, remove previous private key and full chain files;
- $ D:\apps\Nginx>
tasklist /fi "imagename eq nginx.exe"
// check current nginx instance - $ D:\apps\Nginx>
taskkill /f /IM nginx.exe
// kill all nginx progress - remove the files and folders named with the domain want to remove:
- C:\Certbot\archive
- C:\Certbot\live
- C:\Certbot\renewal
- $ D:\apps\Nginx>
- Create a new certificate by different domain with input;
- $ C:\WINDOWS\system32>
certbot certonly --standalone
- enter the domain that want to be certified
- $ C:\WINDOWS\system32>
- Copy the privkey.pem and fullchain.pem files to Nginx certificate file folder;
- new private key and full chain are located at C:\Certbot\archive\
- Rename if possible, file matched with Nginx configuration;
- copy these key and chain to Nginx certificate folder and rename them with domains
- Start Nginx;
- $ D:\apps\Nginx>
start nginx
- $ D:\apps\Nginx>