use brew to install OpenCV (support JAVA) for OSX

Current is 2022. The brew tool and pip tool could support OpenCV-4.6 very well. Use brew tool: 1, install java if needed If have error message ‘No Java Runtime present,requesting to install’, we need to complete the environment path. Use ‘temurin’ to casting from the env-path. 2, install ant before install the OpenCV library 3, …

remove all packges from pip, working with virtualenv

use command below if you want to clean the pip installed packages. install ‘virtualenv’ from python pip tool. ref: create a new virtual environment folder. virtualenv [–version] [–with-traceback] [-v | -q] [–read-only-app-data] [–app-data APP_DATA] [–reset-app-data] [–upgrade-embed-wheels] [–discovery {builtin}] [-p py] [–try-first-with py_exe]

Protected: some bat files

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Renew SSL (HTTPS) stand-alone machine (Certbot and Nginx)

Create a new SSL certificate and replace the old one. scripts: Stop Nginx, remove previous private key and full chain files; $ D:\apps\Nginx> tasklist /fi “imagename eq nginx.exe” // check current nginx instance $ D:\apps\Nginx> taskkill /f /IM nginx.exe // kill all nginx progress remove the files and folders named with the domain want to …