Installing Bazel on macOS

Install Bazel on macOS using one of the following methods:

Bazel comes with two completion scripts. After installing Bazel, you can:

Installing using binary installer

The binary installers are on Bazel’s GitHub releases page.

The installer contains the Bazel binary.1 Some additional libraries must also be installed for Bazel to work.

Step 1: Install Xcode command line tools

Xcode can be downloaded from the Apple Developer Site (this link redirects to their App Store).

For objc_* and ios_* rule support, you must have Xcode 6.1 or later with iOS SDK 8.1 installed on your system.

Once Xcode is installed, accept the license agreement for all users with the following command:

sudo xcodebuild -license accept

Step 2: Download the Bazel installer

Next, download the Bazel binary installer named bazel-<version> from the Bazel releases page on GitHub.

Step 3: Run the installer

Run the Bazel installer as follows:

chmod +x bazel-<version>
./bazel-<version> --user

The --user flag installs Bazel to the $HOME/bin directory on your system and sets the .bazelrc path to $HOME/.bazelrc. Use the --help command to see additional installation options.

Step 4: Set up your environment

If you ran the Bazel installer with the --user flag as above, the Bazel executable is installed in your $HOME/bin directory. It’s a good idea to add this directory to your default paths, as follows:

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin"

You can also add this command to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile file.

All set! You can confirm Bazel is installed successfully by running the following command:

bazel version

To update to a newer release of Bazel, download and install the desired version.

Installing using Homebrew

Step 1: Install Homebrew on macOS

Install Homebrew (a one-time step):

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL \"

Step 2: Install the Bazel Homebrew package

Please note that if your system has the Bazel package from homebrew core installed you first need to uninstall it by typing brew uninstall bazel

Install the Bazel package via Homebrew as follows:

brew tap bazelbuild/tap
brew tap-pin bazelbuild/tap
brew install bazelbuild/tap/bazel

All set! You can confirm Bazel is installed successfully by running the following command:

bazel version

Once installed, you can upgrade to a newer version of Bazel using the following command:

brew upgrade bazelbuild/tap/bazel

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