- Array (Stack, Queue, Pointer)
- Quick find all primes
- Greatest common divisor
- Find the next greater element (monotone stack)
- Longest consecutive subarray (swaped queue)
- Remove duplicates in sorted array
- Interval intersection
- Merge intervals
- Pancake sorting
- LinkedList
- Circle in a linkedlist (fast&slow pointer)
- Linkedlist reverse
- Remove Nth from the end
- Heap (PriorityQueue)
- Find the Kth largest number
- Merge K linkedlist
- Find the median number
- Heapify, Swim, Sink
- Binary Tree (BST, AVL)
- Swap left and right child
- Traversal (preorder, inorder, postorder, levelorder)
- Build tree from traversal (pre+in, post+in)
- Right side view
- Is binary search tree (BST)
- Floor, ceiling, rank, size, select
- Check balance (AVL)
- Rotate right
- Rotate left
- Is AVL tree
- Lowest common ancestor
- Tries
- Words index
- Sort (Merge, Quick, Heap, Bucket)
- Maximum gap in an unsorted array
- HIndex
- Devide and Conquer
- Partition
- Search (Devide and Conquer)
- Binary search
- Left boundary search
- Right boundary search
- Find peak element
- Length of LIS
- Graph (DFS, BFS, Prims)Permutations
- Palindrome partitioning (DFS)
- N queens
- Minimizing permutations (BFS)
- Serialize and deserialize binary Tree
- Spining tree (Prims)
- Dynamic Programming
- Fibonacci & Climing stairs
- Change in a foreign currency (DFS)
- Package problem
- Minimum path sum
- Unique paths
Try to finish all the problems in these three pages, skip questions in premium package.
Please be advised to find questions and solution at